But God that wasn’t the plan….

Scriptural Foundation:

Isaiah 55:8-9 New Living Translation (NLT)

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.  For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.


Have you ever thought or utter the words of today’s scripture? I went through a season in my life that I thought about these two scriptures all the time. Not that there was anything wrong inside my home, but it was all the stuff on the outside of the walls that I couldn’t directly control in the natural. Thank God that it is not where the Lord’s reach endsat the end of my rope.  When I recognize that I am striving in my own strength then I know I am existing lower than God’s best for me.

At that time, the Holy Spirit asked me a question – “If all your needs were met by the world, would you ever turn to me?” I really wanted the answer to be yes, but in my heart of hearts I knew the answer was no. Growing up I had everything a child could ever ask for. Totally oblivious of the sacrifices my parents made day after day, year after year, I was completely unaware how difficult life could be. It wasn’t until I fulfilled the plans that my parents had laid out for me – “go to college and get a good job” – that I started to flounder. Somewhere along the way I lost the essence of the person I was and became, someone I hoped my parents would be proud of. Well I climbed that mountain and then at the top I had no satisfaction. It was at this point of emptiness that I could finally hear that still small Voice beckoning me towards more. Now I wish I could tell you I have everything figured out and that my destiny is in full focus….on the contrary I have no idea what I am doing and I am at peace with that. These days I wait for God to speak and then I act. Would I love to know the whole plan up front? Are you kidding me….yes! But it is in my best interest and keeps me out of my own way by just being led by God. Just like my parents had a plan for my life as a child, so does our Heavenly Father have a plan for each one of us. Determine in your heart that you will seek His plans rather than your own.

Seeking Revelation:

Grab your notebook:

  • What plans do you have for the short, mid, and long-term future?
  • Present your plans to the Lord and have Him identify the true plan for your life.
  • Follow the plan it step by step as the Spirit leads and watch how the world unfolds with blessings.
  • Repeat 1-3 often to ensure you course correct along your journey of faith.

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