Tough act to follow…

Scriptural Foundation:

John 14:12 New King James Version (NKJV)

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.  


It doesn’t happen often, but while in the car by myself, I start thinking about things and I start crying. This past week was one of those times.  I had just gotten a gift box from my mother for the kids for Christmas, my mother is so prepared and on-time for things.  I was out and about running errands and I started reminiscing…that’s how it always starts.

My mother has always sent the best love-o-grams. It didn’t matter the size of the box, but they are always filled with thoughtful little items.  It started when I left for college, when a box came it was a big warm hug from her.  These days not only does she send one for me on my birthday, but for each of the kids on their birthdays and don’t forget the holidays.  It is always a box full of surprise with the most thoughtful things in it.  It is truly a gift that she has.  My mother cares about my total wellbeing, she sends me teas to help with weight loss, books to read and expand my mind, and clothes because she knows that I put myself last when it comes to purchasing anything for myself.  Her unconditional love is staggering and it shows in her actions.  She is truly the heartbeat of heaven on earth.  I started thinking to myself, how will I ever be that awesome for my kids?  I do my best, but remembering my childhood, I wish I could do more for my family.

Always in His sweet way, the Holy Spirit laid John 14:12 on my heart. Just like in the natural I don’t feel like I could ever be as good of a mom as my mother, as Believers we feel the same way when the Lord has identified your calling and your walking it out. In the beginning you don’t know what you are doing and you will feel inadequate, however over the process of time you will get to a point where someone else is looking to you for guidance.  The thing is everyone’s path is tailor made for them and for the people they have been ordained to touch for Christ.  That is why Jesus says earlier in John 14:6 – Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus left the Holy Spirit here on Earth to help guide us during our journey in life. To help us show more love, more mercy, more grace, and do greater works than Jesus did during His time here.  Our assignment as Believers are to perform better than our predecessors. Not a jab at our parents, pastors or mentors, but the Holy Spirit is the only person that is going to get you through this life. Jesus left the blueprint and you must build up your piece of God’s Kingdom here on Earth.

I have accepted that following in my mother’s foots steps won’t be exactly the same as my mother, but I pray that the soul touched warmth is passed down to my children’s children times seven generations. The same is true for my walk with the Lord. My intent is not to be perfect, but to hear when I get to Heaven….well done my good and faithful servant.

Seeking Revelation:

Grab your notebook:

  • List the things that you don’t think you are doing well.
  • Present your list to the Lord ask the Holy Spirit to help you get better in these areas for the glory of the Kingdom.
  • Review your list periodically and watch the Lord move on those things for you.


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