Category: Joy

Protect your vision like a unborn child…

Scriptural Foundation:

An expanded interpretive translation of John 10:10*:

“the thief wants to get his hands into every good thing in your life. In fact, this pickpocket is looking for any opportunity to wiggle his way so deeply into your personal affairs that he can walk off with everything you hold precious and dear. And that’s not all – when he’s finished stealing all your goods and possessions, he’ll take his plan to rob you blind to the next level. He’ll create conditions and situations so horrible that you’ll see no way to solve the problem except to sacrifice everything that remains from his previous attacks.  The goal of this thief is to totally waste and devastate your life.  If nothing stops him, he’ll leave you insolvent, flat broke, and cleaned out in every area of your life.  You’ll end up feeling as if you are finished and out of business! Make no mistake – the enemy’s ultimate aim is to obliterate you…”

“…But I came that they might have, keep, and constantly retain a vitality, gusto, vigor, and zest for living that springs up from deep down inside. I came that they might embrace this unrivaled, unequaled, matchless, incomparable, richly loaded and overflowing life to the ultimate maximum!”

*From Joyce Meyer’s book Let God Fight Your Battles: Being Peaceful in the Storm 


I have never really allowed myself to be excited about anything, but when I got pregnant it was the best gift I ever received from the Lord. So much so, I selfishly kept it to myself and had my husband promise that he wouldn’t tell anyone either.  For a short period of time I soaked up the joy of the miracle within me.  So, as we started telling my parents, friends, co-workers…. the joy seemed to start dimming as love ones started sharing how much this and that was going to cost and how this or that could never be achieved on the salary that we were making.  All of a sudden my baby utopia was tainted with reality checks doled out from whoever wanted to give them.  Instead of continuing to see our needs being taken care of by the Lord, I started looking at our limited resources in the natural. I was like Peter that stepped out of the boat and started walking toward Jesus, but starts sinking when the waves distract him from the Lord.

Each time, I got pregnant we waited that much longer to tell people, just to prolong the inevitable “rain on your parade’ conversations. The stress and rejection that I experienced during my last pregnancy was so great that the thought of continuing to have children, although that was my heart’s desire to have one more was simply too much.  Fast forwarding years later, all our needs continue to be met by the Lord and I have three beautiful gifts from God that are truly my grace grower….my only regret is that I didn’t have a fourth child.  The vision that I had for myself since I was a little girl, became altered by my drowning circumstances. As a result, I abandoned one of the visions that I had in my heart and though my life is bitter sweet now, I always think what if I had trusted God a little further in that area of my life.

The Lord gives us visions throughout our lives. Instead of holding on to those visions, we have our circumstances dictate to us if that vision can really become a reality.  Everything that is seen has a counter symbolism of the spiritual realm.  Daily there are hundreds of thousands of abortions happening in this country, the same is true in the spiritual realm as it relates to visions.  The Lord speaks to you in a dream or day dream and it seems so quick and fleeting that we tend to brush it off as some child-like fantasy. The Holy Spirit keeps gently bringing it to your remembrance.  You were born for a purpose, called for a certain assignment that will fill your heart with joy overflowing, don’t let the devil convince you that it is impossible for you.  You serve a mighty God and He won’t give up His vision for your life unless you do…

Seeking Revelation:

Grab your notebook:

  • Jot down all the ideas, dreams, and passions that you have laid aside over the years.
  • For each item, list all the reasons why it is not possible.
  • Now that is out of the way, search the scriptures for promises saying that idea, that dream, that passion is possible through the Christ Jesus.
  • Once you are fully persuaded that your vision is possible, pick up that mantle again and press on towards it. Protect it like an unborn child until the Lord releases you to share it with others.

All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often. Luke 2:18-19