Purpose starts with prayer

Scriptural Foundation:

1 Corinthians 2:9-16 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [[who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed].

Yet to us God has unveiled and revealed them by and through His Spirit, for the [Holy] Spirit searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even sounding the profound and bottomless things of God [the divine counsels and things hidden and beyond man’s scrutiny].

For what person perceives (knows and understands) what passes through a man’s thoughts except the man’s own spirit within him? Just so no one discerns (comes to know and comprehend) the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God.

And we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the [Holy] Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language [to those who possess the Holy Spirit].

But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.

But the spiritual man tries all things [he examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things], yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one [he can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or appraise or get an insight into him].

For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart.


As far back as I can remember I have always strived to organize the chaos around me. My mom tells me all the time, as a child, how would I always walk around with a pencil, papers, and a clipboard. My husband tells me now, I am the most organized disorganized person he has ever met. It all comes from a good place but looking back it wasn’t always what I should have been doing at that time.

In my early years of walking with the Lord, He spoke two specific things into my heart – sign up for Bible correspondence school and that handsome young man that I had just met would be my husband. How exciting! I signed up for school and deeply enjoyed courtship with my soon-to-be husband. As the years flowed by, my need for organization kicked into full gear. Marriage and family became my top priority and school fell on the back burner. Despite initially responding to both items of what the Lord told me to do, I prioritized them my own way.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. – Isaiah 55:8-11

I have learned that rushing towards the next thing, we miss out on the God thing. The Lord has blessed me tremendously, however, my past priorities in the natural has delayed the purpose that the Lord has put on my life. Praise God, it doesn’t matter how much time has gone by, if we repent, the Lord will redeem it and put us back on course. I am back in school now…would it have been easier prior to having kids…yes…but the richness of the application of what I am learning now is awe inspiring. The women that I am fellowshipping with and encouraging in this season of my life is so invigorating. If anything, the “delay” only is making for fire for the Lord in my belly that much hotter and my urgency for accomplishing my purpose that much immediate.

Remember Beloved, prayer unlocks priority which in turn reveals God’s purpose for your life. Faith is the currency of Heaven, but prayer is the exchange rate. Prayer is the beginning of purpose, but keeping your priorities synced up with the Holy Spirit will insure that you accomplish your purpose here on earth in His divine timing.

Seeking Revelation:

Grab your notebook:

  • Think back to the things that the Lord have placed on your heart.
  • Write that list down.
  • Repent for going your own way.
  • Start praying and yield to the Holy Spirit as to the priority of that list.
  • Keep after it until the job is done.

His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ – Matthew 25:31

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