Well that is annoying…

Scriptural Foundation:

Acts 17:16 New King James Version (NKJV)

Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols.


I never really thought about porcupines until about a year or so ago, I was describing to a friend a “feeling” I was having concerning a situation and the only word I could come up with was prickly.

Did you know that they are considered rodents? That there are two main subspecies of porcupines – old world (Africa, Europe, and Asia – fully nocturnal) and new world (North and South America – partly nocturnal)? Porcupines spend most of their time walking around with their pins down, it is not until there is danger or they are provoked in some way their sharp quills go up to put the predator on notice.

I love how the Holy Spirit teaches us through nature (God’s untampered master piece) concepts that seem intangible in the mind (our rational thought process). The world sees the Word as vile, just like porcupines are seen as rodents. Similarly, just because someone says they are Christian doesn’t mean that they are totally sold out for Jesus – hence the two types of Christians – Believers and Christian-light, but I digress… that is a whole other message…we are talking about the prickly “feeling” I started noticing in my spirit…

In the book of Acts, we read about the early church. In Chapter 17, we follow along as Paul travels from city to city (Thessalonica – Beroea – Athens). The word provoked jumped out at me – in other translations it was stirred or grieved and roused to anger. As Paul interacted with the world as it related to his relationship with Christ his spirit was provoked. I also noticed that to complete his mission, Paul had to keep moving but he strategically left certain men and women in cities to continue to do the work of the gospel. So, places where Paul’s spirit was provoked due to the Lord he knew, he left people to stay in those situations. Read that chapter in totality and then come back to this…

[Interlude. . .elevator music…] 

As I paid more attention to things of the Spirit, I have started to notice that the prickly feeling coincided with certain interactions/situations that sent flares going off in my spirit man. After seeking the Lord on this, it was revealed to me that it was my spirit man bearing witness with the Holy Spirit that something wasn’t quite right.  Before I would have my flesh override the prickly sensation and suppress it. We all know, no good can come of that. What is suppressed will eventually come up…just like what is done in the dark will come to light.

Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. – Luke 12:3

In these prickly instances, I noticed my tone of voice would become sharper and my compassion seemed to evaporate…either of those responses does not bring glory to the Lord or characteristics of Lord. Yes, the Bible gives us examples of how to deal with difficult people and situations. In all cases, we need to lead with love. I have learned to take a moment, and ask myself what it is that is causing me to act contrary to my Christ-like character? Granted the root cause may not become apparent right away, but as you seek the Lord and meditate/apply the Word to that situation the Holy Spirit will reveal to you what actions need to be taken. The more you identify and yield to your “prickly” sensation…that seemly annoying poke…the more you will realize it is the Holy Spirt ensuring that you won’t fall back asleep (backsliding – Isaiah 59:12-13) and that you won’t become dull (lukewarm – Revelations 3:16) to the things of the Spirit.

Seeking Revelation:

Grab your notebook:

  • For the next week, pay attention when you feel slightly/faintly annoyed by a person/situation.
  • Are you suppressing any words/ behaviors of response to these situations?
  • Ask the Holy Spirit for help you identify what that issue is and lean on Him to resolve it.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. – Romans 8:28


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